ASHIPITA is very active in a cold office
"Request a lap robe even in the summer"!
"Though I want to enjoy pedicure,the air conditioner is so cold at the cafe ..."
"...At the office of Monday in winter it is so cold and hard"
Trouble of a working stylish girl, you have experience?
I recommend ASHIPITA to such a person!
To put on socks with it , and also ASHIPITA is OK on bare foot!
Let's repulse cold by ASHIPITA with an anklet and pedicure smartly♪
Foot is so cold to sleep.In such a case the ASHIPITA.
I recommend to go to bed to wearASHIPITA for woman to get cold while sleeping with wearing socks every day.
Because ASHIPITA promote to be good blood circulation of body,you feel so warm to get rid of cold foot before falling asleep; and ... warm until morning.
The temperature of the foot rises to approximately 2.8 degrees Celsius by the experiment!.
It is incredible A good supporter to give deep sleeping and none to tighten foot ♪
Enhance effect in the bedrock bath with the ASHIPITA.
For a beautiful body and foot,relaxation I recommend to use ASHIPITA at the bedrock bath and a beauty treatment salon.
The ASHIPITA help to polish yourself with synergistic effect of blood circulation and bedrock bath and the beauty treatment salon.
In the first place why does foot get cold?
When everybody minds the weight, have you ever calculate calory of the food? . The calory said to be amount a heat . It is energy by physics. It is the circumstances that calory to be consumed and generate heat.In additional important thing promote a blood circulation to carry calory.The stretch exercise of the muscle take a role to carry calory and blood.Because woman's muscle Is not stronger than a man, woman often feels cold by all means. When the woman wears pumps that tighten toe can't move so much,feels cold.Because muscle doesn't excercise, " calorie is not consumed",doesn't get heat" and "blood does not circulate ," get cold.
ASHIPITA open toe fingers and give stimulation to react natural exercise.
The ASHIPTA doesn't use the special materials warming foot including the far infrared rays or the red pepper. When ASHIPITA give toe fingers moderate pressure like a stimulation,Toe fingers act on their own. This is the unconditioned reflex that I learned by the class of the elementary school. The stretch of the exercise, muscle act on their own becomes active and promotes to circulate blood and carry calory generate heat .ASHIPITA warm your body and foot by the basic function of body of your own.Therefore it is absolutely warmer than any other thing supporters.
ASHIPITA enhance blood circulation to send a calorie like a heat.
If the body can't send calory to the every corner,can't generate heat to consume caroly."This role of transportation is stretch exercise which one is muscle grows, draw blood to save,the other one is muscle shrinks,push blood to exhale around the body.This repetition promote to circulate blood that forceful to be warm body and foot. In additional thing good for body that supplementation improves, and metabolism breaks out It will be good for skin with moisture.
Mechanism of ASHIPITA
Foot fingers will be musles movement
of stretch and shrink
When the function of foot does not work, a blood circulation is delaied. Cause foot cold, and swelling, diabetic feet, economy class syndrome of foot let you worsen metabolism and cause the skin roughness.
The ASHIPITA carry the role of the pump that muscle shrink by moving a body naturally, and the shrinkage circulates blood and promote the blood circulation. In addition, to enhance the basal metabolism of the body by promoting the blood circulation.
"ASHIPITA" is published on "an an" is the most famous Magazine for ladies inJapan.
Features of the magazine "an, an" November 23, 2011 issue (November 16, 2011 release) "where is effective to?" I try the diet goods of the rumor. "ASHIPITA" were introduced as the best eleven.
I selected carefully, and the diet goods which sold in a net and a shop were chosen as Sawa best recommended product of the publishing company duty by the plan that three girls tried for 15 days!
Comment of the recommended person
- I feel the power of the muscle which I do not use all the time when I put it on and walk and both legs can realize that power appears equally.It is very comfortable to walk. easily.
The line of the leg seems to become clean (publishing company duty Sawa) - The tip of a foot is warm. As for the grace of this that have been refreshing as for the swelling (apparel duty Sonoda)
“It is most important that
the arch of foot bottom for healthy foot”
Dr. assistant professor at national Nagoya University medical department doctor of medicine, orthopedist Yukihiro Matsuyama
When a human being stands and keeps the balance, the axis of the center gravity moves to the front of the foot bottom, shrink and expand of the whole body lets you keep a balance by moving the head back and forth.
The person bends a foot and then catches the ground in the underside of the foot and keeps to balance with the body in the whole contact surface with the ground.
Therefore a moderate foot bottom arch is necessary for a person, but because people wear shoes recently, "a foot bottom arch" is lost, and increase this case that is said flatfoot becomes a cause such as the work of the foot blunting, and not standing a long.
When thearch of foot bottom is well, It enhance the function of toe, and stepping forward is stable.
In addition, the endurance of the exercise of foot will be improved, too.
Therefore why is the "ASHIPITA" which we developed to make this important "foot bottom arch" effective?
When people wear the sandals of the clog thong, that strongly bend a toe at a moment to kick the ground with a foot.
This phenomenon depends on base of human natural work to get narrow in the toe interval when the toe bends and to get wide in the toe interval when the toe stretches out.
Therefore, it is necessary to bend an ankle so that sandals do not come off necessarily when they kicked the ground with a foot to walk in the sandals of the clog thong.
(when people wear shoes, there is no folding of the ankle because we do not have to worry to come off.)
I thought that it have an effect like wearing the sandals of the clog thong when people wear the "ASHIPITA".
The effect of the cushion of "the foot bottom arch" is good and works by moving a toe, and a foot becomes strong, and a physical balance effect increases, and it is always thought that posture will improve.
Of course I recommend it, too.
Look at the detailed article contents.
I announce the exercise of inspection - foot promotion in an Italian society from an exercise dynamic standpoint
Nagoya University graduate school, engineering graduate course machine science and technology specialty associate professor Dr. Kazunori Nagatani
As a result of having inspected an immediate assistance effect and a long-term assistance effect to work on a walk, and to clarify influence to give to standing position posture based on an exercise dynamics measurement, improvement of decrease, the kick soup stock power of the distance between the toe at the time of the walk was seen.
Look at the detailed article contents.