As the ashipita stimulates toe movement, the muscles linked to it stretch and contract, blood vessels are pushed open, and blood circulation is stimulated like a heartbeat. This effect is expected to alleviate the progression of foot gangrene. Unlike air massagers, EMS, far-infrared heaters, low-frequency therapy devices, pressure socks, and other devices that use compression or external stimulation, this is a revolutionary medical device with a completely new concept.
Advantages of introducing Ashipita
In light of the above, the advantages of introducing Ashipita are very large and worthy of consideration.
Thus, ashipita improves the patient's quality of life because it enhances the body's basic functions.
It is the world's only revolutionary medical and health product that enhances human potential athletic ability and does not place a burden on the body. Its effectiveness has been scientifically proven in two academic research papers by the Nagoya University School of Medicine and the Department of Robotics. With 350,000 units sold in Japan, Germany, Belgium, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, China, and the United States, our customers are satisfied with our safe and reliable brand.
Just put them on and your feet will feel lighter in 5 steps, warmer in 1 minute, and reduce swollen in 3 minutes.
You too can experience the goodness of Ashipita once. We sincerely look forward to seeing you at our booth.